/** * Check whether growing on a half-tile coast tile ends up blocking a water connection * * @param tile The target tile * @return true if building here blocks a water connection */ static bool GrowingOnWateredTile(TileIndex tile) { Slope slope = GetTileSlope(tile); /* Is this a coast tile with one corner raised ? */ if (IsSlopeWithOneCornerRaised(slope) && IsCoastTile(tile)) { Corner corner = GetHighestSlopeCorner(slope); Corner opposite_corner = OppositeCorner(corner); static const Direction corner_to_direction[] = { DIR_W, DIR_S, DIR_E, DIR_N }; extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_dir[DIR_END]; TileIndexDiffC diffc = _tileoffs_by_dir[corner_to_direction[opposite_corner]]; TileIndex opposite_tile = TileAddWrap(tile, diffc.x, diffc.y); if (IsValidTile(opposite_tile)) { TrackBits opposite_track = CornerToTrackBits(corner); static const struct { TrackBits next_track_1, next_track_2, next_track_1_90_deg, next_track_2_90_deg; } track_bit_table[] = { /* t1x,t1y,t2x,t2y, next_track_1 , next_track_2 next_track_1_90_deg, next_track_2_90_deg, opposite_tile */ /* CORNER_W 0, 1, -1, 0, */ { TRACK_BIT_X | TRACK_BIT_RIGHT, TRACK_BIT_Y | TRACK_BIT_RIGHT, TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NE, TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SE }, /* -1, 1 */ /* CORNER_S 1, 0, 0, 1, */ { TRACK_BIT_Y | TRACK_BIT_UPPER, TRACK_BIT_X | TRACK_BIT_UPPER, TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NW, TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NE }, /* 1, 1 */ /* CORNER_E 0, -1, 1, 0, */ { TRACK_BIT_X | TRACK_BIT_LEFT , TRACK_BIT_Y | TRACK_BIT_LEFT , TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SW, TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NW }, /* 1, -1 */ /* CORNER_N -1, 0, 0, -1, */ { TRACK_BIT_Y | TRACK_BIT_LOWER, TRACK_BIT_X | TRACK_BIT_LOWER, TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SE, TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SW }, /* -1, -1 */ }; TileIndex tile_1 = TileAddWrap(tile, opposite_corner & 1 ? diffc.x : 0, opposite_corner & 1 ? 0 : diffc.y); TileIndex tile_2 = TileAddWrap(tile, opposite_corner & 1 ? 0 : diffc.x, opposite_corner & 1 ? diffc.x : 0); bool forbid_90_deg = _settings_game.pf.forbid_90_deg; TrackBits track_1 = TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile_1, TRANSPORT_WATER, 0)); TrackBits track_2 = TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile_2, TRANSPORT_WATER, 0)); TrackBits next_track_1 = (forbid_90_deg ? track_bit_table[corner].next_track_1 : track_bit_table[corner].next_track_1_90_deg) & track_1; TrackBits next_track_2 = (forbid_90_deg ? track_bit_table[corner].next_track_2 : track_bit_table[corner].next_track_2_90_deg) & track_2; TrackBits main_track_1 = (forbid_90_deg ? track_bit_table[opposite_corner].next_track_2 : track_bit_table[opposite_corner].next_track_2_90_deg) & track_1; TrackBits main_track_2 = (forbid_90_deg ? track_bit_table[opposite_corner].next_track_1 : track_bit_table[opposite_corner].next_track_1_90_deg) & track_2; /* Is there a connection between tile_1 and tile_2 via tile? */ if (main_track_1 && main_track_2) { /* Is there an opposite_track that can be used to try an alternative connection? */ if (opposite_track & TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(opposite_tile, TRANSPORT_WATER, 0))) { TrackBits mirror = TRACK_BIT_CROSS | (corner & 1 ? TRACK_BIT_HORZ : TRACK_BIT_VERT); /* Is there a connection between tile_1 and tile_2 via opposite_tile? */ if (next_track_1 & (main_track_1 ^ mirror) && next_track_2 & (main_track_2 ^ mirror)) { /* There is an alternative connection. Town than grow on tile. */ return false; } } /* There is either no opposite_track, or an incomplete connection via opposite_tile. */ return true; } } } /* There was no connection via tile, or it was incomplete, or the opposite_tile is outside the map. */ return false; }