void THPathfinder::pathingInit(const THMap *pMap, int iStartX, int iStartY, int *piWidth, node_t *ppNode, int iGuessNumber)
*piWidth = pMap->getWidth();
m_pDestination = NULL;
_allocNodeCache(*piWidth, pMap->getHeight());
*ppNode = m_pNodes + iStartY * *piWidth + iStartX;
pNode->prev = NULL;
pNode->distance = 0;
if (iGuessNumber == 1) MakeGuess1(*ppNode);
if (iGuessNumber == 2) MakeGuess2(*ppNode);
if (iGuessNumber == 3) MakeGuess3(*ppNode);
if (iGuessNumber == 4) MakeGuess4(*ppNode);
m_ppDirtyList[0] = *ppNode;
m_iDirtyCount = 1;
m_iOpenCount = 0;
/** No need to check for the node being on the map edge, as the N/E/S/W
flags are set as to prevent travelling off the map (as well as to
prevent walking through walls). */
THPathfinder::pathingNeighbours(uint32_t iFlags, int iWidth, int iTryNumber)
uint32_t iPassable = iFlags & THMN_Passable;
if(iFlags & THMN_CanTravelW)
if (iTryNumber == 1) TryNode1(pNode - 1, 3, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 2) TryNode2(pNode - 1, 3, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 3) TryNode3(pNode - 1, 3, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 4) TryNode4(pNode - 1, 3, iTryNumber);
if(iFlags & THMN_CanTravelE)
if (iTryNumber == 1) TryNode1(pNode + 1, 1, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 2) TryNode2(pNode + 1, 1, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 3) TryNode3(pNode + 1, 1, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 4) TryNode4(pNode + 1, 1, iTryNumber);
if(iFlags & THMN_CanTravelN)
if (iTryNumber == 1) TryNode1(pNode - iWidth, 0, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 2) TryNode2(pNode - iWidth, 0, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 3) TryNode3(pNode - iWidth, 0, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 4) TryNode4(pNode - iWidth, 0, iTryNumber);
if(iFlags & THMN_CanTravelS)
if (iTryNumber == 1) TryNode1(pNode + iWidth, 2, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 2) TryNode2(pNode + iWidth, 2, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 3) TryNode3(pNode + iWidth, 2, iTryNumber);
if (iTryNumber == 4) TryNode4(pNode + iWidth, 2, iTryNumber);
void THPathfinder::pathingTryNode(uint32_t iNFlags, uint32_t iPassable, node_t *pNeighbour, node_t *pNode, int iGuessNumber)
if(iNFlags & THMN_Passable || iPassable == 0)
if(pNeighbour->prev == pNeighbour)
pNeighbour->prev = pNode;
pNeighbour->distance = pNode->distance + 1;
if (iGuessNumber == 1) MakeGuess1(pNeighbour);
if (iGuessNumber == 2) MakeGuess2(pNeighbour);
if (iGuessNumber == 3) MakeGuess3(pNeighbour);
if (iGuessNumber == 4) MakeGuess4(pNeighbour);
m_ppDirtyList[m_iDirtyCount++] = pNeighbour;
else if((pNode->distance + 1) < pNeighbour->distance)
pNeighbour->prev = pNode;
pNeighbour->distance = pNode->distance + 1;
/* Guess doesn't change, and already in the dirty list. */
bool THPathfinder::findPath(const THMap *pMap, int iStartX, int iStartY, int iEndX, int iEndY)
if(pMap == NULL)
pMap = m_pDefaultMap;
if(pMap == NULL || pMap->getNode(iEndX, iEndY) == NULL
|| (pMap->getNodeUnchecked(iEndX, iEndY)->iFlags & THMN_Passable) == 0)
m_pDestination = NULL;
return false;
// As diagonal movement is not allowed, the minimum distance between two
// points is the sum of the distance in X and the distance in Y. Provided
// that the compiler generates clever assembly for abs(), this means that
// guesses can be calculated without branching and without sqrt().
#define MakeGuess1(pNode) \
pNode->guess = abs(pNode->x - iEndX) + abs(pNode->y - iEndY)
pathingInit(pMap, iStartX, iStartY, &iWidth, &pNode, 1);
node_t *pTarget = m_pNodes + iEndY * iWidth + iEndX;
if(pNode == pTarget)
m_pDestination = pTarget;
return true;
uint32_t iFlags = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNode->x, pNode->y)->iFlags;
#define TryNode1(n, d, iGuessNumber) \
node_t *pNeighbour = n; \
uint32_t iNFlags = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNeighbour->x, pNeighbour->y)->iFlags; \
pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber)
pathingNeighbours(iFlags, iWidth, 1);
if(m_iOpenCount == 0)
m_pDestination = NULL;
pNode = _openHeapPop();
return false;
#undef MakeGuess1
#undef TryNode
bool THPathfinder::findPathToHospital(const THMap *pMap, int iStartX, int iStartY)
if(pMap == NULL)
pMap = m_pDefaultMap;
if(pMap == NULL || pMap->getNode(iStartX, iStartY) == NULL
|| (pMap->getNodeUnchecked(iStartX, iStartY)->iFlags & THMN_Passable) == 0)
m_pDestination = NULL;
return false;
#define MakeGuess2(pNode) pNode->guess = 0
pathingInit(pMap, iStartX, iStartY, &iWidth, &pNode, 2);
uint32_t iFlags = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNode->x, pNode->y)->iFlags;
if(iFlags & THMN_Hospital)
m_pDestination = pNode;
return true;
#define TryNode2(n, d, iGuessNumber) \
node_t *pNeighbour = n; \
uint32_t iNFlags = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNeighbour->x, pNeighbour->y)->iFlags; \
pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber)
pathingNeighbours(iFlags, iWidth, 2);
if(m_iOpenCount == 0)
m_pDestination = NULL;
pNode = _openHeapPop();
return false;
#undef MakeGuess
#undef TryNode
bool THPathfinder::findIdleTile(const THMap *pMap, int iStartX, int iStartY, int iN)
if(pMap == NULL)
pMap = m_pDefaultMap;
if(pMap == NULL)
m_pDestination = NULL;
return false;
#define MakeGuess3(pNode) \
pNode->guess = 0
pathingInit(pMap, iStartX, iStartY, &iWidth, &pNode, 3);
node_t *pPossibleResult = NULL;
pNode->open_idx = -1;
uint32_t iFlags = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNode->x, pNode->y)->iFlags;
if((iFlags & THMN_DoNotIdle) == 0 && (iFlags & THMN_Passable) && (iFlags & THMN_Hospital))
if(iN == 0)
m_pDestination = pNode;
return true;
pPossibleResult = pNode;
node_t* pBestNext = NULL;
double fBestDistance = 0.0;
#define TryNode3(n, d, iGuessNumber) \
node_t *pNeighbour = n; \
uint32_t iNFlags = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNeighbour->x, pNeighbour->y)->iFlags; \
/* When finding an idle tile, do not navigate through doors */ \
switch(d) \
{ \
case 0: \
if((iFlags & THMN_DoorNorth) == 0) { pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber); } \
break; \
case 1: \
if((iNFlags & THMN_DoorWest) == 0) { pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber); } \
break; \
case 2: \
if((iNFlags & THMN_DoorNorth) == 0) { pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber); } \
break; \
case 3: \
if((iFlags & THMN_DoorWest) == 0) { pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber); } \
break; \
} \
/* Identify the neighbour in the open list nearest to the start */ \
if(pNeighbour->prev != pNeighbour && pNeighbour->open_idx != -1) \
{ \
int iDX = pNeighbour->x - iStartX; \
int iDY = pNeighbour->y - iStartY; \
double fDistance = sqrt((double)(iDX * iDX + iDY * iDY)); \
if(pBestNext == NULL || fDistance < fBestDistance) \
pBestNext = pNeighbour, fBestDistance = fDistance; \
pathingNeighbours(iFlags, iWidth, 3);
if(m_iOpenCount == 0)
m_pDestination = NULL;
// Promote the best neighbour to the front of the open list
// This causes sequential iN to give neighbouring results for most iN
pBestNext->guess = -pBestNext->distance;
pNode = _openHeapPop();
m_pDestination = pPossibleResult;
return true;
return false;
#undef MakeGuess
#undef TryNode
bool THPathfinder::visitObjects(const THMap *pMap, int iStartX, int iStartY,
THObjectType eTHOB, int iMaxDistance,
lua_State *L, int iVisitFunction, bool anyObjectType)
if(pMap == NULL)
pMap = m_pDefaultMap;
if(pMap == NULL)
m_pDestination = NULL;
return false;
#define MakeGuess4(pNode) \
pNode->guess = 0
pathingInit(pMap, iStartX, iStarty, &iWidth, &pNode, 4);
uint32_t iTHOB = static_cast<uint32_t>(eTHOB) << 24;
uint32_t iFlags = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNode->x, pNode->y)->iFlags;
#define TryNode4(n, d, iGuessNumber) \
node_t *pNeighbour = n; \
int iObjectNumber = 0; \
const THMapNode *pMapNode = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNeighbour->x, pNeighbour->y);\
uint32_t iNFlags = pMap->getNodeUnchecked(pNeighbour->x, pNeighbour->y)->iFlags; \
if ((iNFlags & 0xFF000000) == iTHOB) \
iObjectNumber = 1; \
if(pMapNode->pExtendedObjectList != NULL)\
int count = *pMapNode->pExtendedObjectList & 7;\
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) \
{ \
int thob = (*pMapNode->pExtendedObjectList & (255 << (3 + (i << 3)))) >> (3 + (i << 3)); \
if(thob == eTHOB)\
iObjectNumber++; \
} \
} \
if(anyObjectType) \
iObjectNumber = 1; \
bool bSucces = false; \
for(int i = 0; i < iObjectNumber; i++) \
{ \
/* call the given Lua function, passing four arguments: */ \
/* The x and y position of the object (Lua tile co-ords) */ \
/* The direction which was last travelled in to reach (x,y); */ \
/* 0 (north), 1 (east), 2 (south), 3 (west) */ \
/* The distance to the object from the search starting point */ \
lua_pushvalue(L, iVisitFunction); \
lua_pushinteger(L, pNeighbour->x + 1); \
lua_pushinteger(L, pNeighbour->y + 1); \
lua_pushinteger(L, d); \
lua_pushinteger(L, pNode->distance); \
lua_call(L, 4, 1); \
if(lua_toboolean(L, -1) != 0) \
{ \
bSucces = true; \
} \
lua_pop(L, 1); \
} \
if(bSucces) \
return true; \
if(pNode->distance < iMaxDistance) \
{ \
switch(d) \
{ \
case 0: \
if((iFlags & THMN_DoorNorth) == 0) { pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber); } \
break; \
case 1: \
if((iNFlags & THMN_DoorWest) == 0) { pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber); } \
break; \
case 2: \
if((iNFlags & THMN_DoorNorth) == 0) { pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber); } \
break; \
case 3: \
if((iFlags & THMN_DoorWest) == 0) { pathingTryNode(iNFlags, iPassable, pNeighbour, pNode, iGuessNumber); } \
break; \
} \
pathingNeighbours(iFlags, iWidth, 4);
if(m_iOpenCount == 0)
m_pDestination = NULL;
pNode = _openHeapPop();
return false;
#undef MakeGuess
#undef TryNode