in english.txt STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SLOW_TIME_FACTOR :{LTBLUE}Slow time factor: {ORANGE}{STRING2} STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SLOW_TIME_FACTOR_HELPTEXT :Slow down the time in game. Default 1 is normal speed. Higher values make time in game run slower. settings_type.h uint16 slow_time_factor; ///< How fast the time passes. Higher values the slower it pass. Default 1 normal speed at the struct GameCreationSettings settings_gui.cpp environment->Add(new SettingEntry("game_creation.slow_time_factor")); settings.ini [SDT_VAR] base = GameSettings var = game_creation.slow_time_factor type = SLE_UINT16 from = 200 def = 1 min = 1 max = 365 interval = 1 str = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SLOW_TIME_FACTOR strval = STR_JUST_INT cat = SC_BASIC