spriteset(lowered_platforms) { [-31, 0, "graphics/lowered_x.png"] [-31, 0, "graphics/lowered_y.png"] } spriteset(raised_platforms) { [-31, 0, "graphics/raised_x.png"] [-31, 0, "graphics/raised_y.png"] } spriteset(buildings) { [-31, 0, "graphics/building0.png"] } //# Station with one lowered, one raised platform spritelayout(station_layout) { ground { sprite: GROUNDSPRITE_RAIL; } building { sprite: lowered_platform(0); yextent: 4; } building { sprite: raised_platform(0); yoffsets: 12; yextent: 4; } } //# Station with two raised platforms, building on one spritelayout(station_building_layout) { ground { sprite: GROUNDSPRITE_RAIL; } building { sprite: raised(0); yextent: 4; } childsprite { sprite: buildings(0); orientation_offset: 0 } building { sprite: raised(0); yoffset: 12; yextent: 4; } } switch(layout_switch, ...) { 1..19: station_building_layout; station_layout; } item(FEAT_STATIONS, platform) { property { station_class: "ELY_" } graphics { layout_switch; } }