Migrating a hg repo (ELEPHANT example) * copy directory to ELEPHANT.old.hg for backup * cd ELEPHANT * source ../../bin27/bin/activate * git init * git config core.ignoreCase false * ../../tools/hg-fast-export/hg-fast-export.sh -r . -A ../../tools/authors-fast-export.txt * noting that authors doesn't appear to actually work correctly :P * git checkout -f HEAD * fix any wrong authors * git log --all --format='%aN <%cE>' | sort -u * verifies current authors * sh ../../tools//fix_author.sh * fixes current authors (may need editing for specific authors) * verify again * make a new repo on github * git remote add origin https://github.com/andythenorth/ELEPHANT.git * git push -u origin master * touch .gitignore * edit .gitignore and commit * remove .hg* files * fix anything in the build that depends on hg