//define the grf grf { grfid: "MI\02\02"; name: string(STR_GRF_NAME); desc: string(STR_GRF_DESC); version: 1; min_compatible_version: 1; } //graphics definition /* Sprite template for a bus */ template template_PLACEHOLDER () { [0, 0, 64, 64, -32, -32] [0, 0, 64, 64, -32, -32] [0, 0, 64, 64, -32, -32] [0, 0, 64, 64, -32, -32] [0, 0, 64, 64, -32, -32] [0, 0, 64, 64, -32, -32] [0, 0, 64, 64, -32, -32] [0, 0, 64, 64, -32, -32] } template template_karosy_kratke(x, y) { //left_x, upper_y, width, height, offset_x, offset_y [ 0, y, 286, 300, -150, -135] [ x, y, 286, 300, -150, -135] [ 2*x, y, 286, 300, -150, -140] [ 3*x, y, 286, 300, -150, -140] [ 4*x, y, 286, 300, -138, -135] [ 5*x, y, 286, 300, -150, -130] [ 6*x, y, 286, 300, -150, -131] [ 7*x, y, 286, 300, -150, -135] } /* Define a cargo translation table * All cargo types that need any special treatment must be included here */ cargotable { PASS, // PASSENGERS } spriteset(spriteset_karosa_b734_modra, "gfx/PLACEHOLDER.png") { template_PLACEHOLDER() } alternative_sprites(spriteset_karosa_b734_modra, ZOOM_LEVEL_IN_4X, BIT_DEPTH_32BPP, "gfx/karosa_b734_modra.png") { template_karosy_kratke(286, 0) } spritegroup spritegroup_karosa_b734_modra { loaded: [spriteset_karosa_b734_modra, spriteset_flatbed_truck_1_copper_full]; spriteset(spriteset_karosa_b734_zluta, "gfx/PLACEHOLDER.png") { template_PLACEHOLDER() } alternative_sprites(spriteset_karosa_b734_zluta, ZOOM_LEVEL_IN_4X, BIT_DEPTH_32BPP, "gfx/karosa_b734_modra.png") { template_karosy_kratke(286, 0) } /* Define the road vehicle */ item(FEAT_ROADVEHS, item_KAROSA_1) { property { /* Properties common to all vehicle types */ name: string(STR_NAME_KAROSA_1); climates_available: bitmask(CLIMATE_TEMPERATE, CLIMATE_ARCTIC, CLIMATE_TROPICAL); introduction_date: date(1983,01,01); model_life: 35; /* retire_early not set, use default retirement behaviour */ vehicle_life: 15; reliability_decay: 20; refittable_cargo_classes: bitmask(CC_PASSENGERS); non_refittable_cargo_classes: bitmask(); loading_speed: 5; cost_factor: 108; running_cost_factor: 90; /* cargo_age_period is left at default */ /* RV-specific properties */ sprite_id: SPRITE_ID_NEW_ROADVEH; //enable new graphics speed: 80 km/h; misc_flags: bitmask(); refit_cost: 0; // Refitting is free /* callback_flags are not set, no need to manually enable callbacks */ running_cost_base: RUNNING_COST_ROADVEH; power: 204 hp; weight: 15.4 ton; /* TE and air drag coefficient is left at default */ cargo_capacity: 80; sound_effect: SOUND_BUS_START_PULL_AWAY; /* Visual effect is left at default (no effect) */ } /* Define graphics */ graphics { PASS: spriteset_karosa_b734_zluta; default: spriteset_karosa_b734_modra; // default graphic } }