*** OpenTTD Crash Report *** Crash at: Fri Apr 5 01:50:18 2019 In game date: 1976-12-14 (72) Crash reason: Exception: E1212012 Location: 00007FFE137BA388 Message: Assertion failed at line 2965 of d:\openttd\openttd github\openttd\src\window.cpp: HasModalProgress() || IsLocalCompany() OpenTTD version: Version: 20190403-variable-script_max_opcodes-ga702fbc9aa (0) NewGRF ver: 1a006d64 Bits: 64 Endian: little Dedicated: no Build date: Apr 3 2019 21:24:05 Registers: RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 00007FF73CF5B8E0 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 000000002D71DA70 RSI: 0000000000000301 RDI: 0000000000000016 RBP: 000000842D71E2E0 RSP: 000000842D71DE70 R8: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF R9: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF R10: 00007FFE15856BB7 R11: 00007FFE15857042 R12: 0000000000000910 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 00000000000F0240 R15: 00007FF73CD040B4 RIP: 00007FFE137BA388 EFLAGS: 00000202 Bytes at instruction pointer: 48 8B 8C 24 C0 00 00 00 48 33 CC E8 F8 05 04 00 48 81 C4 D8 00 00 00 C3 Stack trace: 34510BD0 0000024E 3CF5B8E0 00007FF7 00000301 00000000 00000016 00000000 E1212012 00000000 00000000 00000000 137BA388 00007FFE 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000 158AEDC3 00007FFE 2D71DF39 00000084 00000010 00000000 0000000E 00000000 00000800 00000000 00000050 00000000 0140057E 00000000 00000000 00000000 3E161F20 00007FF7 3CE95948 00007FF7 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 5E154D1A 0000E0FD 00640000 00000000 3CF5B8E0 00007FF7 3CDA871E 00007FF7 00000016 00000000 00000001 FFFFFFFF 3CD040B4 00007FF7 3CDA837B 00007FF7 2D71DFD8 00000084 00130008 00000000 480001B0 0000C4A2 3CD07D17 00007FF7 00000398 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000200 00000000 00000200 00000000 00000398 00000000 0000033B 00000000 00000000 00000000 3CDA81CC 00007FF7 00000001 00000003 00000000 00000084 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3CAC99D2 00007FF7 00000000 00000000 2D71E2E0 00000084 0000033B 00000000 00000398 00000000 65737341 6F697472 6166206E 64656C69 20746120 656E696C 36393220 666F2035 5C3A6420 6E65706F 5C647474 6E65706F 20647474 68746967 6F5C6275 746E6570 735C6474 775C6372 6F646E69 70632E77 48203A70 6F4D7361 506C6164 72676F72 28737365 7C7C2029 4C734920 6C61636F 706D6F43 28796E61 165C0029 00007FFE 00000001 0000C4A2 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FFFFFFFE 00000000 00000020 00000000 000F0240 00000000 00000020 00000000 3CCF9C70 00007FF7 00000001 00000000 000F0240 00000000 02000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 FFFFFFFE 00000000 1585598E 00007FFE 15852299 00007FFE 1585FD30 00007FFE 328D96A0 0000024E 165CB3D7 00007FFE 5BFE923F 0000F4F8 00000000 00000000 5BFE934F 0000F4F8 10DB369F 00007FFE 00000020 00000000 000F0240 00000000 02000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 Operating system: Name: Windows Release: 10.0.17134 () Compiler: MSVC 1916 Configuration: Blitter: 32bpp-optimized Graphics set: OpenGFX (7019) Language: D:\OpenTTD\OpenTTD GitHub\bin\lang\english.lng Music driver: dmusic Music set: original_windows (1) Network: server Sound driver: xaudio2 Sound set: OpenSFX (87) Video driver: win32 Fonts: Small: sprite Medium: sprite Large: sprite Mono: sprite AI Configuration (local: 255) (current: 16): 0: LuDiAI (v1) 1: Denver & Rio Grande (v1) 2: Trans (v190402) 3: SynTrans (v15) 4: DictatorAI (v183) 5: gelignAIte (v1) 6: SynTrans (v15) 7: Chopper (v10) 8: AIAI (v97) 9: WrightAI (v3) 10: CPU (v5) 11: ChooChoo (v412) 12: CluelessPlus (v38) 13: ChooChoo (v412) 14: FastPTPAI (v4) GS: Company Value GS (v4) Libraries: FreeType: 2.8.1 LZMA: 5.2.4 LZO: 2.10 PNG: 1.6.35 Zlib: 1.2.11 Module information: D:\OpenTTD\OpenTTD GitHub\bin\openttd.exe handle: 00007FF73C9F0000 size: 5903360 crc: E8FF7956 date: 2019-04-03 20:27:33 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll handle: 00007FFE16590000 size: 1943128 crc: 497D2FD4 date: 2019-01-09 05:39:12 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL handle: 00007FFE15E90000 size: 720536 crc: CC85A6EE date: 2019-03-06 15:39:47 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll handle: 00007FFE13780000 size: 2571632 crc: 76509733 date: 2019-01-09 05:39:21 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WS2_32.dll handle: 00007FFE160E0000 size: 430408 crc: BCF23F7A date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\System32\RPCRT4.dll handle: 00007FFE15D60000 size: 1188000 crc: E96C9DFF date: 2019-03-06 09:16:21 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll handle: 00007FFE0F740000 size: 123584 crc: 94826B12 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\System32\IMM32.dll handle: 00007FFE15C60000 size: 173648 crc: C00419EB date: 2018-04-11 23:34:24 C:\WINDOWS\System32\USER32.dll handle: 00007FFE15840000 size: 1639560 crc: C6774479 date: 2018-10-21 13:00:18 C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll handle: 00007FFE13C10000 size: 636936 crc: D6A3C60E date: 2018-04-11 23:34:20 C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll handle: 00007FFE13A00000 size: 124048 crc: FACB4E5F date: 2018-04-11 23:34:12 C:\WINDOWS\System32\GDI32.dll handle: 00007FFE15D30000 size: 155112 crc: 8D17E295 date: 2018-08-31 03:42:27 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll handle: 00007FFE0F710000 size: 162240 crc: 20283370 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\System32\gdi32full.dll handle: 00007FFE12D00000 size: 1634704 crc: 7F73C162 date: 2019-02-06 07:53:11 C:\WINDOWS\System32\cfgmgr32.dll handle: 00007FFE136B0000 size: 286744 crc: B7105488 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcp_win.dll handle: 00007FFE13610000 size: 641984 crc: 783872BE date: 2019-02-16 08:01:40 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll handle: 00007FFE12A10000 size: 1014344 crc: 6AF5D225 date: 2019-02-16 08:01:30 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ADVAPI32.dll handle: 00007FFE15BB0000 size: 645320 crc: 34F36B84 date: 2018-12-08 12:47:15 C:\WINDOWS\System32\sechost.dll handle: 00007FFE13AE0000 size: 368448 crc: E700BCEF date: 2018-09-08 03:57:36 C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll handle: 00007FFE13E50000 size: 21388752 crc: 57155177 date: 2018-11-09 06:15:20 C:\WINDOWS\System32\shcore.dll handle: 00007FFE13A20000 size: 678840 crc: 1B1EF8E3 date: 2018-06-08 09:29:20 C:\WINDOWS\System32\combase.dll handle: 00007FFE16220000 size: 3291632 crc: FE7F38D7 date: 2019-02-16 08:02:20 C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll handle: 00007FFE13700000 size: 494400 crc: F7DA43B9 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\System32\windows.storage.dll handle: 00007FFE12F00000 size: 7436016 crc: 6C20331D date: 2019-01-09 05:39:24 C:\WINDOWS\System32\shlwapi.dll handle: 00007FFE16150000 size: 326496 crc: 9E999772 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:33 C:\WINDOWS\System32\kernel.appcore.dll handle: 00007FFE128D0000 size: 57960 crc: 36F6CB72 date: 2018-06-08 09:29:20 C:\WINDOWS\System32\profapi.dll handle: 00007FFE128B0000 size: 115800 crc: F2EDFE5C date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\System32\powrprof.dll handle: 00007FFE12910000 size: 300208 crc: 615A899E date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\System32\FLTLIB.DLL handle: 00007FFE128A0000 size: 31584 crc: F9E8EFD2 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ole32.dll handle: 00007FFE156E0000 size: 1376672 crc: EE2A13AE date: 2018-11-01 11:45:20 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll handle: 00007FFDF08C0000 size: 79360 crc: CBCCE40C date: 2018-04-11 23:34:24 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll handle: 00007FFE10DA0000 size: 599040 crc: 688AC957 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:36 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSCTF.dll handle: 00007FFE15A30000 size: 1516416 crc: 7501E377 date: 2019-02-16 12:53:02 C:\WINDOWS\System32\OLEAUT32.dll handle: 00007FFE13B40000 size: 789696 crc: 191A8B48 date: 2019-01-09 05:39:39 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dwmapi.dll handle: 00007FFE11030000 size: 146840 crc: 5A168920 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:20 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\TextInputFramework.dll handle: 00007FFDFFDA0000 size: 607136 crc: 67DFD161 date: 2018-10-21 07:45:48 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll handle: 00007FFE0E800000 size: 3283512 crc: BF571387 date: 2018-10-21 07:45:55 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll handle: 00007FFE10A20000 size: 885760 crc: 073FD563 date: 2018-12-08 08:04:40 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll handle: 00007FFE11990000 size: 187576 crc: 751ABC3F date: 2018-04-11 23:34:23 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll handle: 00007FFE0E660000 size: 1363536 crc: 7DB30F75 date: 2019-01-01 07:13:30 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll handle: 00007FFE12120000 size: 401968 crc: 76C6C00A date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\xaudio2_8.dll handle: 0000024E32440000 size: 3584 crc: D79C3B42 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\xaudio2_9.DLL handle: 00007FFE099B0000 size: 569856 crc: 400D056B date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MMDevAPI.DLL handle: 00007FFE0C880000 size: 469576 crc: D3E68B51 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:02 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll handle: 00007FFE0F030000 size: 30056 crc: 1F1BBFD7 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll handle: 00007FFE126B0000 size: 152440 crc: B6F9124E date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll handle: 00007FFE0F1F0000 size: 1792712 crc: F8798B89 date: 2019-02-16 08:02:23 C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll handle: 00007FFE16040000 size: 635368 crc: 219EFEA4 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:20 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL handle: 00007FFDDF030000 size: 1209696 crc: FC4BA6B8 date: 2019-02-16 08:01:47 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmusic.dll handle: 00007FFE09980000 size: 129536 crc: EE685953 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:24 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSACM32.dll handle: 00007FFDDEB00000 size: 106480 crc: 54E5FD19 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DSOUND.dll handle: 00007FFDFD070000 size: 560640 crc: BF8A670D date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ksuser.dll handle: 00007FFDE2F50000 size: 23360 crc: DA1D21C1 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wdmaud.drv handle: 00007FFDDEBD0000 size: 253952 crc: 294BD9E8 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:04 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msacm32.drv handle: 00007FFDE2F40000 size: 29184 crc: 43AA51E1 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:02 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\midimap.dll handle: 00007FFDE2F30000 size: 25088 crc: 3F472519 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:02 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmsynth.dll handle: 00007FFE09910000 size: 118272 crc: B038459C date: 2018-04-11 23:34:24 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll handle: 00007FFDFF9A0000 size: 1128616 crc: 62A15344 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:39 C:\Windows\System32\InputHost.dll handle: 00007FFDFF920000 size: 491744 crc: BEAA3FC5 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:12 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll handle: 00007FFE11EE0000 size: 766704 crc: E271DB93 date: 2018-11-09 02:48:36 C:\WINDOWS\System32\NSI.dll handle: 00007FFE16550000 size: 24888 crc: ED39864C date: 2018-04-11 23:34:22 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL handle: 00007FFE11EA0000 size: 219616 crc: 8E8EB6FC date: 2018-04-11 23:34:23 C:\WINDOWS\System32\fwpuclnt.dll handle: 00007FFE0CFB0000 size: 446976 crc: 11C9A474 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:12 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll handle: 00007FFE12400000 size: 137568 crc: CBD588A8 date: 2018-06-08 09:30:03 C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll handle: 00007FFE0CA10000 size: 16896 crc: C5D4D052 date: 2018-04-11 23:34:33 C:\WINDOWS\System32\psapi.dll handle: 00007FFE161B0000 size: 18712 crc: AA3B87EF date: 2018-04-11 23:34:20 ---- gamelog start ---- Tick 0: new game started Revision text changed to ga702fbc9aa57c, savegame version 213, not modified, _openttd_newgrf_version = 0x1a006d64 New game mode: 1 landscape: 0 ---- gamelog end ---- Recent news messages: (1976-04-01) StringID: 704, Type: 13, Ref1: 5, 1913, Ref2: 5, 592 (1976-07-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 342466, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1183499, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 3842440, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 273095, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1504708, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 812293, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1767983, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2221177, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-01) StringID: 706, Type: 13, Ref1: 5, 1374, Ref2: 5, 1496 (1976-07-11) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 295, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-14) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 346, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-26) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 756, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-07-27) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 1422, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-01) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 1702, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1900559, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 4016328, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2990366, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2758743, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 3627207, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-05) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 64, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-11) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 82, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-11) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 633, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-11) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 19261, Ref2: 3, 4035 (1976-08-17) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 8597, Ref2: 3, 4038 (1976-08-17) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 8313, Ref2: 3, 4032 (1976-08-17) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 17210, Ref2: 3, 4032 (1976-08-18) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 7393, Ref2: 3, 4037 (1976-08-25) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 19102, Ref2: 3, 4029 (1976-08-27) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 17210, Ref2: 3, 4041 (1976-08-29) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 1157, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-08-29) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 14059, Ref2: 3, 4039 (1976-08-31) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2113, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 89651, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 3521544, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 317067, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2885031, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 3184845, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-06) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 5681, Ref2: 3, 4036 (1976-09-07) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 9992, Ref2: 3, 4014 (1976-09-10) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 19241, Ref2: 3, 4033 (1976-09-11) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 374, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-12) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2303, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-14) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 19246, Ref2: 3, 4043 (1976-09-15) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 13962, Ref2: 3, 4046 (1976-09-17) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2305, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-19) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 4351, Ref2: 3, 4044 (1976-09-21) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2331, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-09-23) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2356, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1318017, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2867589, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2196358, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 213571, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 3074145, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 872467, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 3782729, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 369711, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2820480, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2207111, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 308236, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-04) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 198, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-07) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 1290, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-12) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2839, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-13) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2846, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-18) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 18933, Ref2: 3, 4052 (1976-10-21) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2847, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-21) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 11396, Ref2: 3, 4054 (1976-10-22) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2849, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-28) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 10205, Ref2: 3, 4025 (1976-10-28) StringID: 638, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 1929, Ref2: 3, 4065 (1976-10-29) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2859, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-10-30) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 6279, Ref2: 3, 4064 (1976-11-01) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2861, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 10, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 25, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 29, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 53, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 3048875, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 120, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 128, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 194, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 201, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 203, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 245, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 262, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 348, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 354, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2587023, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 410, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 427, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 21133, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 505, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 534, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 565, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 582, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 617, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 623, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 629, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 660, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 685, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 708, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 713, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 720, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 734, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 760, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 762, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1694138, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 805, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 839, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 882, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 896, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 905, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 912, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 916, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 928, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 928, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 932, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 948, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 950, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 966, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 988, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1018, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1024, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1053, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1067, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1070, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1108, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1181, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1230, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1233, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 1252, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1254, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1273, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1291, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1303, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1339, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1422, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1423, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1444, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1468, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 1479, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 3582569, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1570, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1599, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1601, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1650, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1692, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1694, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1726, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1732, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1765, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1778, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1806, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1855, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1914, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1937, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1950, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1970, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2017, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2020, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2054, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1798326, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 562439, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2228, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2251, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2251, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2263, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2290, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2300, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2314, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2365, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2378, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2382, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2406, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2408, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2424, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2444, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 2567, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2589, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2593, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2599, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 2652106, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1921660, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 2611, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2623, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2639, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2683, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2716, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2731, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2848, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2913, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2928, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3027, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 3065, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3093, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3313, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3322, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3370, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3392, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3543, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 51633, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3667, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3694, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 3706, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3791, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3829, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3834, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3847, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3856, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 3932, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4042, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 4059, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4116, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4138, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 4139, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4214, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4237, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4249, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4294, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4309, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4311, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4322, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4387, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4396, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 4422, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4430, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4439, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4452, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4473, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4538, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 4600, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4698, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4748, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1303668, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4805, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4856, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4856, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4861, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4878, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4904, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4904, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4948, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4987, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 5086, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-02) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 206, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-03) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 326, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-04) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 499, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-09) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 2189, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-12) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 16574, Ref2: 3, 4061 (1976-11-18) StringID: 629, Type: 3, Ref1: 0, 4294967295, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-19) StringID: 629, Type: 3, Ref1: 1, 2600389, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-19) StringID: 629, Type: 3, Ref1: 0, 4294967295, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-19) StringID: 638, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 1929, Ref2: 3, 4066 (1976-11-19) StringID: 629, Type: 3, Ref1: 1, 839878, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-20) StringID: 629, Type: 3, Ref1: 0, 4294967295, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-20) StringID: 629, Type: 3, Ref1: 1, 3854744, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-21) StringID: 629, Type: 3, Ref1: 0, 4294967295, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-21) StringID: 629, Type: 3, Ref1: 1, 24578, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-11-26) StringID: 640, Type: 2, Ref1: 2, 17858, Ref2: 0, 65535 (1976-11-29) StringID: 633, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 3053, Ref2: 3, 4073 (1976-11-30) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 2108, Ref2: 3, 4069 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 25, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 40, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 60, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 76, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 145, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 163, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 240, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 243, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 259, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 334, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 371, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 450, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 451, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 560, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 738, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 749, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 927, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 932, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 987, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1020, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1021, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1102, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1117, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1161, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1177, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1193, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1212, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1254, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1276, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1297, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1309, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1313, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1330, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1350, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1370, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1374, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1406, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1407, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1433, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1456, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1479, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1482, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1485, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1489, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1496, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1522, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1611, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1643, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1647, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1649, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1661, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 364532, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1705, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1733, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1778, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1788, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1807, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1818, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1841, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1841, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1888, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1891, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1893, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1893, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1949, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 1951, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2019, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2046, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2047, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2047, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2053, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2070, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2082, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2089, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 665, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1445802, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2092, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2188, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2198, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2255, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2324, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2333, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2351, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2373, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2390, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2419, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2474, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2512, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2534, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 2583, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 666, Type: 5, Ref1: 1, 1962232, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2622, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2702, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2729, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2744, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2761, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2780, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2811, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2952, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 2988, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3001, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3011, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3032, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3062, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3066, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3132, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3196, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3239, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3277, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3289, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3332, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3394, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3744, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3852, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3899, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3904, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3926, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3950, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3950, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 3982, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 3990, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4022, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4042, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4203, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4210, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4215, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4231, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4236, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4270, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4294, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4303, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4326, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 8, Ref1: 4, 4522, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4524, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4550, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4557, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4588, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4589, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4659, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4724, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4765, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4814, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4825, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4840, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4846, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4863, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4871, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4958, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 4970, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 678, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 5052, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 5057, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-01) StringID: 675, Type: 9, Ref1: 4, 5064, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-03) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 2964, Ref2: 3, 4078 (1976-12-04) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 19102, Ref2: 3, 4031 (1976-12-09) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 3458, Ref2: 3, 4075 (1976-12-10) StringID: 663, Type: 4, Ref1: 4, 102, Ref2: 0, 4294967295 (1976-12-11) StringID: 640, Type: 2, Ref1: 2, 18209, Ref2: 0, 65535 (1976-12-13) StringID: 632, Type: 1, Ref1: 2, 2778, Ref2: 3, 4085 *** End of OpenTTD Crash Report *** Decoded stack trace: [00] KERNELBASE 0x00007FFE137BA388 RaiseException + 104 [01] openttd 0x00007FF73CDA871E [02] openttd 0x00007FF73CDA81CC [03] openttd 0x00007FF73CAC99D2 [04] openttd 0x00007FF73CB0E173 [05] openttd 0x00007FF73CCF99E3 [06] USER32 0x00007FFE15856D41 CallWindowProcW + 1217 [07] USER32 0x00007FFE15856713 DispatchMessageW + 467 [08] USER32 0x00007FFE15869C97 DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 967 [09] USER32 0x00007FFE15869A5E DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 398 [10] USER32 0x00007FFE158AF630 SoftModalMessageBox + 2032 [11] USER32 0x00007FFE158AE085 DrawStateA + 7093 [12] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEDA2 MessageBoxTimeoutW + 402 [13] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEE2E MessageBoxW + 78 [14] openttd 0x00007FF73CAC99C3 [15] openttd 0x00007FF73CB0E173 [16] openttd 0x00007FF73CCF99E3 [17] USER32 0x00007FFE15856D41 CallWindowProcW + 1217 [18] USER32 0x00007FFE15856713 DispatchMessageW + 467 [19] USER32 0x00007FFE15869C97 DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 967 [20] USER32 0x00007FFE15869A5E DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 398 [21] USER32 0x00007FFE158AF630 SoftModalMessageBox + 2032 [22] USER32 0x00007FFE158AE085 DrawStateA + 7093 [23] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEDA2 MessageBoxTimeoutW + 402 [24] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEE2E MessageBoxW + 78 [25] openttd 0x00007FF73CAC99C3 [26] openttd 0x00007FF73CB0E173 [27] openttd 0x00007FF73CCF99E3 [28] USER32 0x00007FFE15856D41 CallWindowProcW + 1217 [29] USER32 0x00007FFE15856713 DispatchMessageW + 467 [30] USER32 0x00007FFE15869C97 DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 967 [31] USER32 0x00007FFE15869A5E DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 398 [32] USER32 0x00007FFE158AF630 SoftModalMessageBox + 2032 [33] USER32 0x00007FFE158AE085 DrawStateA + 7093 [34] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEDA2 MessageBoxTimeoutW + 402 [35] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEE2E MessageBoxW + 78 [36] openttd 0x00007FF73CAC99C3 [37] openttd 0x00007FF73CB0E173 [38] openttd 0x00007FF73CCF99E3 [39] USER32 0x00007FFE15856D41 CallWindowProcW + 1217 [40] USER32 0x00007FFE15856713 DispatchMessageW + 467 [41] USER32 0x00007FFE15869C97 DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 967 [42] USER32 0x00007FFE15869A5E DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 398 [43] USER32 0x00007FFE158AF630 SoftModalMessageBox + 2032 [44] USER32 0x00007FFE158AE085 DrawStateA + 7093 [45] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEDA2 MessageBoxTimeoutW + 402 [46] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEE2E MessageBoxW + 78 [47] openttd 0x00007FF73CAC99C3 [48] openttd 0x00007FF73CB0E173 [49] openttd 0x00007FF73CCF99E3 [50] USER32 0x00007FFE15856D41 CallWindowProcW + 1217 [51] USER32 0x00007FFE15856713 DispatchMessageW + 467 [52] USER32 0x00007FFE15869C97 DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 967 [53] USER32 0x00007FFE15869A5E DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 398 [54] USER32 0x00007FFE158AF630 SoftModalMessageBox + 2032 [55] USER32 0x00007FFE158AE085 DrawStateA + 7093 [56] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEDA2 MessageBoxTimeoutW + 402 [57] USER32 0x00007FFE158AEE2E MessageBoxW + 78 [58] openttd 0x00007FF73CAC99C3 [59] openttd 0x00007FF73CB0E173 [60] openttd 0x00007FF73CCF99E3 [61] USER32 0x00007FFE15856D41 CallWindowProcW + 1217 [62] USER32 0x00007FFE15856713 DispatchMessageW + 467 [63] USER32 0x00007FFE15869C97 DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 967 *** End of additional info ***