class CompanyValue extends GSController { function Start() function Save() function Load(version, data); } function CompanyValue::Save() { return{} } function CompanyValue::Load(version, data) { } function CompanyValue::Start() { local goal_reached = false while (true) { while (goal_reached == false) { local goal = GSController.GetSetting("value") local date = GSDate.GetCurrentDate() GSLog.Warning("Current Date: " + GSDate.GetYear(date) + "-" + GSDate.GetMonth(date) + "-" + GSDate.GetDayOfMonth(date) + " ; Goal: £" + goal) local cid = 0 while (cid != 15) { local cv = GSCompany.GetQuarterlyCompanyValue(cid, GSCompany.CURRENT_QUARTER) cid = cid + 1 GSLog.Info("Company " + cid + ": £" + cv) if (cv >= goal) { GSLog.Warning("Company " + cid + " has reached the company value goal of £" + goal) GSGame.Pause() goal_reached = true break } } GSLog.Warning(" ") this.Sleep(74) } this.Sleep(500) } }