-- Add choice buttons local choices = self.message.choices self.choice_buttons = {} local orig_y = 175 if choices then for i = 1, #choices do local y = orig_y + ((i-1) + (3-#choices)) * 48 local choice = choices[i].choice local additionalInfo = choices[i].additionalInfo -- NB: both nil and true result in enabled; also handle old "disabled" choice local enabled = (choices[i].enabled ~= false) and (choice ~= "disabled") local --[[persistable:fax_choice_button]] function callback() self:choice(choice,additionalInfo) end self.choice_buttons[i] = self:addPanel(17, 492, y):makeButton(0, 0, 43, 43, 18, callback) :setDisabledSprite(19):enable(enabled) end end