First error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/eints/eints/webtranslate/", line 764, in _handle return**args) File "/home/eints/eints/webtranslate/", line 1600, in wrapper rv = callback(*a, **ka) File "/home/eints/eints/webtranslate/", line 33, in wrapper userauth = users.get_authentication(user, pwd) File "/home/eints/eints/webtranslate/users/", line 124, in get_authentication cur.execute("SELECT users.hashed_password, users.salt FROM users WHERE users.login=%s", (user,)) psycopg2.OperationalError: terminating connection due to administrator command FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command Every next attempt: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/eints/eints/webtranslate/", line 764, in _handle return**args) File "/home/eints/eints/webtranslate/", line 1600, in wrapper rv = callback(*a, **ka) File "/home/eints/eints/webtranslate/", line 33, in wrapper userauth = users.get_authentication(user, pwd) File "/home/eints/eints/webtranslate/users/", line 123, in get_authentication cur = db_connection.cursor() psycopg2.InterfaceError: connection already closed