Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Warning C6387 'comment+pos' could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'memcpy'. See line 252 for an earlier location where this can occur settingsgen d:\openttd\trunk\src\ini_load.cpp 253 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*this'. strgen d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 73 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'words': the writable size is '((max(expected, 5)))*sizeof(const char *)' bytes, but '8' bytes might be written. strgen d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 410 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'words': the readable size is '((max(expected, 5)))*sizeof(const char *)' bytes, but '8' bytes may be read. strgen d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 411 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'in_use': the writable size is '((data.tabs))*sizeof(uint)' bytes, but '8' bytes might be written. strgen d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 959 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'in_use': the readable size is '((data.tabs))*sizeof(uint)' bytes, but '8' bytes may be read. strgen d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 962 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*statspec'. openttd 1 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_aircraft_sprite': the readable size is '104' bytes, but 'spritenum' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\aircraft_cmd.cpp 167 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_aircraft_sprite': the readable size is '104' bytes, but 'spritenum' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\aircraft_cmd.cpp 197 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'current_pos' contains the same NULL value as 'current' did. See line 1793 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\aircraft_cmd.cpp 1813 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'new_head' contains the same NULL value as 'dest' did. See line 136 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\autoreplace_cmd.cpp 165 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'dst_px_orig[BYTE:5]'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\blitter\32bpp_optimized.cpp 393 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'dst_n_orig[BYTE:5]'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\blitter\32bpp_optimized.cpp 394 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'buffer->data': the readable size is '1024' bytes, but 'buffer->pos++' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\bmp.cpp 50 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_command_proc_table': the readable size is '2904' bytes, but '6144' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\command.cpp 383 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_command_proc_table': the readable size is '2904' bytes, but '6144' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\command.cpp 397 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_command_proc_table': the readable size is '2904' bytes, but '6144' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\command.cpp 422 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_command_proc_table': the readable size is '2904' bytes, but '6144' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\command.cpp 462 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_similar_colour': the readable size is '128' bytes, but 'pcolour' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\company_cmd.cpp 463 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'c->livery': the readable size is '69' bytes, but 'scheme' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\company_gui.cpp 673 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'Get((CompanyID)this->window_number)->livery': the readable size is '69' bytes, but 'j' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\company_gui.cpp 777 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*this->alloc_cache'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\core\pool_func.hpp 211 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_month_date_from_year_day': the readable size is '732' bytes, but '734' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\date.cpp 138 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'w' did. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\economy.cpp 1344 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'front' contains the same NULL value as 'v' did. See line 1598 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\economy.cpp 1819 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'PCPpositions': the readable size is '48' bytes, but 't' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\elrail.cpp 473 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'Wires[tileh_selector]': the readable size is '96' bytes, but 't' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\elrail.cpp 481 Active Warning C6387 '_fios_path' could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'strrchr'. See line 108 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\fios.cpp 112 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 31 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\ground_vehicle.cpp 47 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 648 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\group_cmd.cpp 657 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 671 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\group_cmd.cpp 681 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'gray_palette'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\heightmap.cpp 89 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'gray_palette'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\heightmap.cpp 221 Active Warning C6200 Index '239' is out of valid index range '0' to '36' for non-stack buffer 'struct IndustrySpec const * const _origin_industry_specs'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\industry_cmd.cpp 80 Active Warning C6387 'comment+pos' could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'memcpy'. See line 252 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\ini_load.cpp 253 Active Warning C6053 The prior call to '_vsnwprintf' might not zero-terminate string 'buf'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\music\win32_m.cpp 70 Active Warning C6387 'other' could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'memcpy'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\network\core\tcp_content.cpp 51 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'this->head' contains the same NULL value as 'child_wid' did. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\network\network_gui.cpp 143 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'max_sprite_offset': the readable size is '((num_building_sprites+1))*sizeof(uint16)' bytes, but '4' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 904 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'max_palette_offset': the readable size is '((num_building_sprites+1))*sizeof(uint16)' bytes, but '4' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 912 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'housespec' contains the same NULL value as '*house' did. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 2352 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'tsp' contains the same NULL value as '*tilespec' did. See line 3133 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 3134 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'indsp' contains the same NULL value as '*indspec' did. See line 3378 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 3379 Active Warning C6387 'as' could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'memcpy'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 3725 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'tsp' contains the same NULL value as '*tilespec' did. See line 4278 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 4279 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'engines': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(EngineID)' bytes, but '4' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 4931 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'engines': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(EngineID)' bytes, but '4' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 4932 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'cfs': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(enum CanalFeature)' bytes, but '8' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 4981 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'cfs': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(enum CanalFeature)' bytes, but '8' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 4991 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'stations': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5008 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'stations': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5036 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'houses': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5060 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'houses': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5076 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'industries': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5091 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'industries': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5107 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'indtiles': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5122 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'indtiles': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5138 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'cargoes': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(CargoID)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5153 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'cargoes': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(CargoID)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5164 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'objects': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5186 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'objects': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5214 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'railtypes': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5236 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'railtypes': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5249 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'airports': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5266 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'airports': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5282 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'airptiles': the writable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5297 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'airptiles': the readable size is '((idcount))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 5313 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*statspec->platforms'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 7898 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*statspec->layouts'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 7899 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'statspec->layouts'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 7903 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'statspec->platforms'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 7904 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*as'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 7945 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*it*().second'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf.cpp 9124 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 468 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf_engine.cpp 536 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'grffile->cargo_map': the readable size is '32' bytes, but '255' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf_engine.cpp 552 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'mp': the readable size is '12' bytes, but '-76' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\newgrf_text.cpp 518 Active Warning C6387 'url' could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'strstr'. See line 380 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\openttd.cpp 380 Active Warning C6053 The prior call to '_snwprintf' might not zero-terminate string 'text'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\os\windows\crashlog_win.cpp 657 Active Warning C6053 The prior call to '_snwprintf' might not zero-terminate string 'root'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\os\windows\win32.cpp 267 Active Warning C28251 Inconsistent annotation for 'WinMain': this instance has no annotations. See c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\include\um\winbase.h(905). openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\os\windows\win32.cpp 432 Active Warning C6053 The prior call to 'wcsncpy' might not zero-terminate string 'path'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\os\windows\win32.cpp 544 Active Warning C6387 'ptr' could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'WideCharToMultiByte'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\os\windows\win32.cpp 570 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*node'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\pathfinder\npf\queue.cpp 270 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*node'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\pathfinder\npf\queue.cpp 357 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_ship_search_directions': the readable size is '96' bytes, but 'i' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\pathfinder\opf\opf_ship.cpp 154 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_corner_to_track_sprite': the readable size is '4' bytes, but '256' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\rail_cmd.cpp 2347 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_roadveh_images': the readable size is '126' bytes, but 'spritenum' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\roadveh_cmd.cpp 129 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_roadveh_images': the readable size is '126' bytes, but 'spritenum' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\roadveh_cmd.cpp 145 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_roadveh_full_adder': the readable size is '126' bytes, but 'spritenum' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\roadveh_cmd.cpp 147 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 225 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\roadveh_cmd.cpp 255 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\roadveh_cmd.cpp 994 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 1523 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\roadveh_cmd.cpp 1579 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_road_display_table': the readable size is '48' bytes, but 'roadside' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\road_cmd.cpp 1320 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'dst': the writable size is '((bytewidth))*sizeof(uint8)' bytes, but '2' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\screenshot.cpp 208 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_ship_sprites': the readable size is '8' bytes, but 'spritenum' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\ship_cmd.cpp 86 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_ship_sprites': the readable size is '8' bytes, but 'spritenum' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\ship_cmd.cpp 130 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_company_to_list_pos': the readable size is '60' bytes, but 'o' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\smallmap_gui.cpp 566 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'dest_tmp': the writable size is '((max(257, num)))*sizeof(byte)' bytes, but '257' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\spritecache.cpp 361 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory '*this'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 73 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'words': the writable size is '((max(expected, 5)))*sizeof(const char *)' bytes, but '16' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 410 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'words': the readable size is '((max(expected, 5)))*sizeof(const char *)' bytes, but '16' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 411 Active Warning C6386 Buffer overrun while writing to 'in_use': the writable size is '((data.tabs))*sizeof(uint)' bytes, but '8' bytes might be written. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 959 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'in_use': the readable size is '((data.tabs))*sizeof(uint)' bytes, but '8' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\strgen\strgen_base.cpp 962 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'chosen_language' contains the same NULL value as 'language_fallback' did. See line 1974 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\strings.cpp 1991 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from 'c': the readable size is '((sx*sy))*sizeof(byte)' bytes, but '3' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\tgp.cpp 617 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'widgets'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\toolbar_gui.cpp 1397 Active Warning C6385 Reading invalid data from '_wagon_full_adder': the readable size is '74' bytes, but 'spritenum' bytes may be read. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\train_cmd.cpp 502 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 1814 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\train_cmd.cpp 1859 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\train_cmd.cpp 2136 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 2253 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\train_cmd.cpp 2271 Active Warning C28182 Dereferencing NULL pointer. 'v' contains the same NULL value as 'u' did. See line 3750 for an earlier location where this can occur openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\train_cmd.cpp 3882 Active Warning C6053 The prior call to '_snwprintf' might not zero-terminate string 'Windowtitle'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\video\win32_v.cpp 348 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'dm'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\video\win32_v.cpp 1099 Active Warning C6001 Using uninitialized memory 'w'. openttd d:\openttd\trunk\src\window.cpp 1850 Active Warning C4334 '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\genworld_gui.cpp 290 Warning C4334 '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\genworld_gui.cpp 338 Warning C4334 '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\genworld_gui.cpp 339 Warning C4334 '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\genworld_gui.cpp 898 Warning C4334 '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\genworld_gui.cpp 902 Warning C4334 '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\3rdparty\squirrel\squirrel\sqdebug.cpp 118