Walks on a path tile are stored in a 16 bit number, which contains the following information. - bit 12..15 Normal (0) or centered (1) path tile walk. - bit 8..11 The entry edge. - bit 4..7 The exit edge. - bit 0..3 The number of 90 degrees turns. A normal walk uses the 'offset' of the person to make it move in the right area of the tile (and the opposing direction uses the left area of the tile. A centered walk is like a normal walk, but the person is gradually moved onto the center of the path, to form a queue. Within a tile, a person enters from the entry edge, and leaves at the exit edge. (With 0=NE, 1=SE, 2=SW, and 3=NW for all edges.) If the walk at the tile requires a change in direction, one or more 90 degrees turns are made around the center of the tile (while respecting the offset in case of normal tile walks), in counter-clockwise direction.