* andythenorth_ hat die Verbindung getrennt (Remote host closed the connection). they do make your life complicated with precise placement, or would that also happen with say, default industries ? basically what alberth said: a too complex industry newgrf is not well suitable for interaction with anything outside it <_dp_> btw, all cb gamescripts currently sum all cargo delivered to a town regardless of specific industry first and only then make decisions sounds like a fair way to go about it ie averaging happyness of industries does the same, basically <_dp_> Alberth, default set is no different, we custom place pp and factories in temperate for example ok... but how does that affect any interaction between GS and industry? I'd not recon much and this is just to make the scenario interesting to play? or are there other factors here? <_dp_> Alberth, except that you need understand first what that happines even means and if averaging it makes any sense for your goal <_dp_> Alberth, for cb it's worthless as what you really need is cargo amounts anyway not necessarily but delivered cargo to an industry is a very good prox proxy <_dp_> Alberth, mostly to make it "fair" so as you can get any town on any map and beat a highscore with it <_dp_> Alberth, instead of waiting eternity for a perfect one to appear how is that score calculated (roughly)? ok, could be done by a GS too I guess, altohugh it might need more information than is available currently <_dp_> planetmaker, you mean cb score? either population after a set amount of time or time to get to a certain population ok. For a scenario with several equal starting points: no way around manual placement / creation. But that's independent of any interaction discussed if the CB-script could simply query the industry "how well are you served" and it returns a number -100 ... +100, it would basically be the same thing as now querying the cargoes delivered. Wouldn't it? well, there is this concept "enough cargo" which isn't well-defined yet, currently, I think <_dp_> planetmaker, depends on how that satisfaction it is calculated <_dp_> planetmaker, if it's based on cargo then kinda yes, except for a precision loss ie when do default industries have enough? <_dp_> planetmaker, if it's some random bs then ofc no hm, I guess default industries are greedy, so a cargo amount delivered is more meaningful <_dp_> precision loss is not a small thing btw, like we do adjust monthly cargo goals with amount of days in month <_dp_> otherwise february is too brutal xD he how do you get the cargo produced by whatever industry? GSIndustry:GetLastMonthProduction ? <_dp_> planetmaker, I'm not rly using GS so I'm just counting cargo unloading within certain radius of town, not idea what GS equivalent is <_dp_> planetmaker, you can check Simple City Builder, it mostly does the same stuff