
Revision differences

Old revision #pvekrsvxsNew revision #phqik4jng
1production_version = 0 | 1  1combination of switch expression syntax with "[expression1, ...]" for multiple things, and switch/layout body syntax with "foo: bar;"
2  2  
3// 0 : behaviour as before (now)  3produce(switch_name, [
4// 1 : new behaviour with up to 64 cargoes:  4  IORE: expression;
5  5  COAL: expression;
6produce( generate(LABEL_1: AMOUNT_1, LABEL_2: AMOUNT_2, ...) )  6], [
7produce( consume(LABEL_1: AMOUNT_1, LABEL_2: AMOUNT_2, ...) )  7  STEL: expression;
8produce( consume(...), generate(...)) 8], run_again);