
Paste #p4hnk85qt

  1. In recent months the retention policy for builds created by the DevZone's compile farm was rather liberal and all build for every push were kept. However, with the increasing size of NewGRFs (we needed to upgrade the allocated space for builds several times already) we need to go back to the original retention policy:
  3. * The three most recent builds on push will be kept available
  4. * Up to 10 nightly builds will be kept
  5. * All releases (tagged builds) will be kept
  7. Nightlies are not built specifically anymore. But once a day, the build from the most recent push will be promoted to a nightly build.
  9. See also our wiki page at [[http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/home/wiki/UsingTheCF]] which documents the data retention policy. If you need one of the old nightly builds or push-builds, then please grab it now. The new build management script will be switched on in the coming days.
