- template template_32bpp_x1_vehicle4_MASK(x,y,z,m) {
- //x= hexa code y=2nd column if > 7F z= filename, m = mask filename
- [ 2304+32+y*288, 32*x-y*4096, 32, 32, -15, -28,z,m]
- [ 2304+64+y*288, 32*x-y*4096, 32, 32, -14, -24,z,m]
- [ 2304+96+y*288, 32*x-y*4096, 32, 32, -8, -24,z,m]
- [ 2304+128+y*288, 32*x-y*4096, 32, 32, -9, -21,z,m]
- [ 2304+160+y*288, 32*x-y*4096, 32, 32, -15, -20,z,m]
- [ 2304+192+y*288, 32*x-y*4096, 32, 32, -22, -20,z,m]
- [ 2304+224+y*288, 32*x-y*4096, 32, 32, -24, -24,z,m]
- [ 2304+256+y*288,32*x-y*4096, 32, 32, -17, -25,z,m]
- }
- ... I want ypos to reduce by 4096px when Y is 1. Only other possible value of y is 0 in all cases when x is < 7F (which gives 4096 from x*32)