- GRF Spec extension impedance mismatch
- In no particular order
- * not many devs familiar with grf spec
- * so designing and reviewing can be hard
- * some of the requests are misguided
- * interacting with newgrf authors can involve blah blah politics
- * but sometimes multiple misguided requests point the way to one solid spec extension
- * nobody writes nfo any more, so very few grf devs actually understand the action0/1/2/3 spec, even less 6/7/9/D
- * nml is easy to patch, but the inertia of having both patched openttd and patched nml is high
- * maintaining wiki docs without fragmenting wiki docs :(
- * getting test grfs is a PITA (see 'nobody writes nfo any more')
- * testing some grf features requires savegames, but these break frequently due to openttd / grf changes