
Paste #ptmfvm2ag

  1. user@computer MINGW64 /r/ottd
  2. $ ./configure
  3. checking awk... awk
  4. detecting OS... MINGW
  5. checking build system type... x86_64-w64-mingw32
  6. checking host system type... x86_64-w64-mingw32
  7. checking universal build... no
  8. checking build cc... gcc
  9. checking host cc... gcc
  10. checking build c++... g++
  11. checking host c++... g++
  12. checking host windres... windres
  13. checking strip... disabled
  14. checking builtin depend... yes
  15. checking makedepend... disabled
  16. detecting cpu-type... 64 bits
  17. detecting SSE... found
  18. checking static... yes
  19. checking unicode... yes
  20. using debug level... no
  21. using desync debug level... no
  22. using link time optimization... no
  23. checking OSX sysroot... not OSX, skipping
  24. checking allegro... not found
  25. checking sdl... not found
  26. checking COCOA... not OSX, skipping
  27. checking GDI video driver... found
  28. checking dedicated... not selected
  29. checking console application... disabled (only used when forced)
  30. checking network... found
  31. checking squirrel... found
  32. checking translator... no
  33. checking assert... enabled
  34. checking zlib... not found
  35. checking liblzma... not found
  36. WARNING: lzma was not detected or disabled
  37. WARNING: OpenTTD doesn't require lzma, but it does mean that many features
  38. WARNING: (like loading most savegames/scenarios and joining most servers)
  39. WARNING: will be disabled.
  40.  If you want to compile without lzma use --without-lzma as parameter
