
Paste #precxjg6y

  1.  speeds = {'RAIL': {'freight': [45, 45, 60, 75, 90, 110],
  2.                                    'fast_freight': [65, 80, 95, 110, 110, 110],
  3.                                    'pax_mail': [65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 140]},

ww 24.04.2018 / 15.00 uhr

  2. 619225
  3. 695
  4. 353
  5. 26692

terror the terrorist

  1. [19:57] <@coopserver> <Vinnie> time for terror
  2. [20:00] <happpy> yeah
  3. [20:01] <@coopserver> <Vinnie> wtf did V go insane
  4. [20:01] <@coopserver> <Vinnie> is that a slug with a wig?

ww 24.04.2018 / 11.00 uhr

  2. 715453
  3. 688
  4. 366
  5. 26692

ww 22.04.2018 / 18.00 uhr

  2. 671466
  3. 639
  4. 438
  5. 26692

ww 22.04.2018 / 18.00 uhr

  2. 671466
  3. 639
  4. 438
  5. 26692

ww 22.04.2018 / 18.00 uhr

  2. 671466
  3. 639
  4. 438
  5. 26692

ww 22.04.2018 / 00.04 uhr

  2. 670814
  3. 619
  4. 457
  5. 26692

ww 21.04.2018 /18.00 uhr

  2. 664460
  3. 613
  4. 471
  5. 26692

Paste #pavoqtako

  1.     this->STR_PERCENT = cmd::text::Add(ls, "{RED}0%{BLACK}");
  2.     int i = 1;
  3.     for (; i <  50; i++) cmd::text::Add(ls, fmt::format("{{RED}}{}%{{BLACK}}", i));
  4.     for (; i <  75; i++) cmd::text::Add(ls, fmt::format("{{ORANGE}}{}%{{BLACK}}", i));
  5.     for (; i < 100; i++) cmd::text::Add(ls, fmt::format("{{YELLOW}}{}%{{BLACK}}", i));
  6.     for (; i <= 200; i++) cmd::text::Add(ls, fmt::format("{{GREEN}}{}%{{BLACK}}", i));

ww 20.04.2018 / 12.00 uhr

  2. 617529
  3. 577
  4. 182
  5. 26692

ww 20.04.2018 / 11.00 uhr

  2. 617436
  3. 577
  4. 192
  5. 26692

Paste #pvgvq0193

  1. #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK
  2.   #define GET_CLIENT_INFO(temp, var) NetworkClientInfo *temp = FindClientInfo(var);
  3.   #define GET_ATTR(client, expr, null) (client==NULL?(null):(expr))
  4. #else
  5.   #define CLIENT_INFO(temp, var)

Paste #poiuz4sgm

  1. switch (FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, slammer_switch_graphics_modulo_num_units_in_consist_1_DFLT, position_in_vehid_chain - (position_in_vehid_chain - (position_in_vehid_chain % 6))) {
  2.     0: return slammer_switch_graphics_engine_id_0;
  3. }
  4. switch (FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, slammer_switch_graphics_modulo_num_units_in_consist_2_DFLT, position_in_vehid_chain - (position_in_vehid_chain - (position_in_vehid_chain % 6))) {
  5.     0: return slammer_switch_graphics_engine_id_1;

Paste #pzjwl19ka

  1. switch (FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, slammer_switch_graphics_position_in_consist_check_1_DFLT, position_in_vehid_chain % 6) {
  2.     0: return slammer_switch_graphics_engine_id_0;
  3. }
  4. switch (FEAT_TRAINS, SELF, slammer_switch_graphics_position_in_consist_check_2_DFLT, position_in_vehid_chain % 6) {
  5.     0: return slammer_switch_graphics_engine_id_1;